Author: zenspiredliving

Meditation health benefits

Meditation Health Benefits

☼ We live in a stressful, sometimes anxiety provoking world. So how do you deal with it? Try meditation. Though it’s not a cure-all, meditation can reduce stress which is linked to negative health conditions like heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, excess cortisol production, depression and anxiety. Scientific studies illustrate that meditation significantly reduces heart attack and stroke rates. Practicing meditation can also help you to lose weight. Read more…>>

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For more information browse these meditation resources:

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Meditation & Brain Functioning
Meditation at Home
'Weightless' Meditation
Faith Hunter Meditation
Meditation for the Holidays

Meditation Products & Resources

For Zen/meditation inspired products browse the following sites: (Please note: We receive an affiliate fee from online retailers when readers visit their websites from ours.)

Relax your mind with Meditainment online sound meditations by Wellmind Media. It’s Meditation That Takes You Places.

You may have heard about binaural meditation. But what’s Trypnaural meditation? Find out more. Click Here!

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Regular yoga practice can increase brain tissue

Regular Yoga Practice Can Increase Brain Tissue

Consistently practicing yoga, meditation and awareness of the breath for as little as 15 minutes can increase gray matter of the brain. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research studies have shown that fight-or-flight reactions are reduced and calm and relaxation responses increase as a result of regularly practicing yoga. Learn more about the study here…

When I meditate and practice yoga I find that I’m more patient, tolerant, loving (of myself and others) and less prone to stress, frustration and annoyances. Learn more about mindfulness meditation here…

More Resources

For more ideas browse these yoga benefits resources:


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Meditation Products & Resources

For Zen/meditation inspired products browse the following sites: (Please note: This page may contain affiliate links.)

Relax your mind with Meditainment online sound meditations by Wellmind Media. It’s Meditation That Takes You Places.

You may have heard about binaural meditation. But what’s Trypnaural meditation? Find out more. Click Here!

Zen Like Products. Hey they are having a HUGE 50% OFF Sale Plus you can get Free Shipping. Go here…